Historic Buildings and Locations around Monroe alphabetical S - Z and #'s

Sacred Heart Chapel
The Sacred Heart Catholic Church was built in 1896. The structure remains almost as it was when originally constructed with the exception of the entrance ramp added in the 1990’s. In 1996 the 100 year celebration was held. The Church is now serves as a Catholic chapel, following the building of the new large church structure on Still Rd.
Map location 33
The Claudius Smith House
Early writings indicate that the foundation of the house of the notorious cowboy and Tory, Claudius Smith, were once visible where Rt. 17m now runs. It was described as being on the south side of Mill St., 150 ft west of the intersection of Mill and Stage (now 17m and Stage). While there appears to be no surviving documentation from the 1700’s definitely placing this as his residence, we know that it was one of the several small homes built by the Smiths in this immediate area. Writings dating back to the late 1800’s, just over a hundred years since the Smiths occupied this property, matter-of-factly states, that this was the believed location of his house. There are currently no surviving remnants.
Map location 44

Smith Seaman Quackenbush
The Boyd House
Rev. John Boyd, minister of the Presbyterian Church from 1826-1834, in 1832 he purchased the land where he would build his house in 1834. Rev. Boyd died in 1842 and his son Dr. John C. Boyd occupied the house until his death in 1892. The Boyd family owned the property until. 1910. In April 1929 Edmund & Edna Seaman purchased the property for their funeral home. Today Smith, Seaman & Quackenbush still occupies the property. David Smith established the funeral home in 1835. It is one of the oldest businesses in Orange County.
Map Location 35

The David Smith House
Also known as “The Little Yellow House”, this house at 400 Stage Road is believed to be one of the oldest standing structures in Monroe and was built during the mid 1700’s possibly as early as 1741. It is thought to have been one of the original homes build by David Smith upon his settlement in the area in that same year. It was occupied either by himself or one of his sons. The south dormer and porch are modern and were probably added in the early 20th century A house of similar age and design can be seen just up the road on the left at the intersection of Ramapo St . This home was also probably part of the Smith establishment.
The property is now owned by the Village and is currently the office of the Village Historian.
Map location 43

101 Stage Road
Built in the later part of the 19th century, this building was the home of David Leo Mack, auctioneer, real estate broker and large property owner. The building became the first Jewish Temple building in Monroe. It served as the Temple from 1945 - 1956, when the congregation built its new building on North Main Street.
Map location 24
Town Hall
This site was the location of a tailor shop at the turn of the century. The present building was built by the Warwick, Monroe, Chester Building and Loan Association in 1963. Previous to that, the Building and Loan was located in today’s John DeAngelis Meeting Hall. The Building and Loan was the oldest financial institution in Monroe, being chartered in 1891. Bill Rogers was its last president before it was purchased by the Warwick Savings Bank in 1970. In 1979 the Town of Monroe purchased the building and moved the Town Hall here from DeAngelis Hall.
Map Location 22

107 Stage Road
This building was also constructed in the later part of the 19th century. At one time, this building was the office to State Supreme Justice Edward O’Gorman. Monroe attorney Fred Gessner also had his home and office here.
Map location 43
109 Stage Road
This building was once the site of John Houston’s filling station.
Old style gas pumps were located in the front where the sidewalk is now from the 1920’s thru the 1930’s. The inside of the building contained a mechanics garage
Map location 25

118 Stage Road
This apartment house was formerly the home of Zael Paddleford, owner of a local department store located in the Reed building. He sold his business in 1916 and moved back to Broome County. This building was purchased by the Knights of Columbus in 1920 and was gutted by fire in the 1960’s. The Knights of Columbus built a new building on Carpenter Place and this building was reconstructed and turned into an apartment house.