Location Map of Historic Buildings and Sites around Monroe
Use this map along with the Historic Places descriptions to find the locations of various historic buildings and sites around the center of Monroe.

This map shows all of the known historic sites within the village center of Monroe. Buildings with a solid brown line indicate buildings still in existence. Buildings with a dotted brown line are structures that are no longer standing.
The map encompasses an area of less than one half of a mile across and is easily walked by foot.
If you would like to envision Monroe in the days of past, when horse and carriage still clopped down Stage Road or when dairy farms and the cheese factory were the main focus of the village, or when the intersection of Stage, Lakes and North Main was a bustle of activity as the steamer came through town, then you can take a leisurely walking tour of these and many other historic sites by downloading a printable map of our Village Walking Tour.
To download click here.
Historic Maps of Monroe
The early maps of Monroe that are still in existence come in many various types and were created for many different purposes. Some maps have more detail than others such as roads and buildings, others show only land boundaries. There is no single type of map that was consistent throughout the years that can give us a clear picture of the changes as Monroe grew and developed. However, by studying the various maps that we do have, we can paint a picture of how Monroe changed over the years from the first settlements up to today.
This is a map of the Monroe Village Center as it appeared in 1859. This map was compiled in 1942 by C.M. Millington from information that was available at the time, it was intended to document the businesses and various properties as they were situated within the Village in 1859.
This particular map was traced in 1926 by Alfred Brooks from a privately owned map in the possession of Clarence Knight. The original map was created by Fred J. Knight in October 1899. Fred Knight was a civil engineer and this map was a survey of the farms and land originally owned by Daniel Knight. In 1899 the properties depicted here were owned by Chauncey Knight and John Knight, the sons on the late Daniel Knight. Upon the death John Knight, this map was commissioned to document the boundaries of the land being willed to Clarence Knight, John's son.